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 The Vibrant Rise Functional Wellness Collective:

A Holistic Journey to Total Well-Being for the Purpose-driven Woman


Discover the Vibrant Rise Functional Wellness Collective: Where Women Shift from Fatigued to Energetic, Anxious to Calm, Inflamed to Vibrant, empowered with the tools that matter!


Join the Collective

From sleepless nights and medications the Vibrant Rise Collective

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You absolutely can live your best, healthiest life and know what your unique body needs to feel and function it's best with a holistic, God-centered approach to wellness.

Join the Collective!

I know this seems impossible right now, especially as a woman who wears all the hats - wife, mom, daughter, sister, friend, co-worker, household manager, chef.  You try to do all of it well, and, at the end of the day, are exhausted.


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I’m a Functional Wellness Coach helping women lead healthier, fuller, more vibrant lives by showing them how to keep God as the Source of Love and achieve optimal health in all areas of life.

As a seasoned Functional Wellness Coach, I’m passionate about empowering women to live their best lives—healthy, fulfilled, and aligned with their true purpose. Through the Vibrant Rise Functional Wellness Collective, I guide women on a transformative journey where God remains the unwavering Source of Love, and holistic health is achieved in every area of life.

With a decade of experience in functional wellness, I’ve seen firsthand how aligning with God’s design can break the chains of dis-ease and open the door to abundant peace, joy, and freedom. My mission is to help you rise into your highest self, where optimal health and spiritual alignment meet to create a vibrant, empowered life.

Join me, and together we’ll cultivate a life that not only thrives but radiates with the love and vitality that God intended for you.

When you have the proper guidance, support, and tools, you'll discover the energy, calm, and vibrancy you've been searching for in your body, mind, and spirit. Creating the health and life you've always wanted becomes easier than you ever imagined. Time to say goodbye to your late night Dr. Google consults! 

Enrolling Now!

Get Vibrant Rise Success in 3 Easy Steps:

Join the Next Cohort

The next cohort kicks off in October.  Spots are limited so as to maintain intimacy and connection in the group.

Complete the Health & Wellness Audit

Once registered, you will begin with assessing where you are today and which areas need the most focus and support.  You will receive a private video review from Jen with suggestions as to where you'll focus the most during our time together (although ALL modules are important and valuable!).

Shift Your Health with EASE

Show up and put in the work and watch your health and wellness transform!  You are so worthy of this!

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Your Vibrant Rise Begins

Understand the foundations of holistic functional wellness, what success in the Vibrant Rise Collective looks like, tools for success, and how to navigate the platform.


Fuel Your Soul

Thriving outside of God’s design is impossible. Our souls are created on purpose, for a Purpose, and in this module, we explore the profound connection between living in alignment with our Creator and experiencing true abundance. We are each uniquely and divinely designed, and learning how to love and honor ourselves as God’s creations is foundational to our wellness.

This journey begins with getting to know ourselves deeply—our strengths, our vulnerabilities, and our individual rhythms. Loving ourselves well, from the Source of Love itself, requires intentionality and personal connection. It’s not about following a prescriptive formula but about discovering the personalized rhythms that fuel our soul, activate our God-given Purpose and help us to live with a God-consciousness vs. being tossed around by this noisy world.

In this module, we dive into what it looks like to receive the Divine’s  love and create personally curated practices that nourish your soul. This is where true wellness begins, as everything else flows from a soul that is connected to its Source and thriving in alignment with its Divine design.


Fuel Your Body

Learn which foods nourish your body and decrease inflammation, how to balance blood sugar properly, how to support cellular metabolism, and how to monitor your foods with your mood.  

Targeted meal plans and suggestions and helpful handouts for meal prep, eating out, healthy pantry stocking, and more!


Love on Your Gut

Disease begins in the gut and so much of the inflammation found in the body can be rooted in an inflamed gut.  In order to properly break down the foods we eat and extract nutrients needed we need rock-solid digestion and a healthy gut microbiome.  Learn how to support your digestion and a healthy microbiome holistically.  Foundational supplements are suggested but optional.


Love on Your Nervous System

Stress is one of the biggest drivers of DIS-ease.  We will learn all about the autonomic nervous system and how to shift out of fight-or-flight and into the parasympathetic, or rest and digest, state where healing unfolds.  Many tools will be provided for you including EFT, guided meditations, and breath work for you to add to your toolbox for stress management and a lifetime of calm.



Fuel Deep, Restorative Sleep

Deep, restorative sleep does not come easy to everyone.  We will dive into how to create a sleeping environment for restful sleep as well as offer some tools and areas to explore for some of the most common sleep challenges to get your sleep unlocking healing each evening.


Fuel Your Mind

Our thoughts have a profound impact on our physiology.  Learn how to mind the mind and shift your thoughts to a more positive, loving, and supportive vibration for optimal success and health!



Healthy, Happy Hormones

Our hormone production is very interconnected with other areas of the body such as the liver, gut, and brain.  We will dive into ways to support healthy hormone production and regulation through nutrition and lifestyle as well as explore some common needs in transitionary years such as perimenopause and menopausal years.


Living a Low Tox Life

Decreasing toxins in the environment is an easy way to create massive shifts in our health.  We will dive into ways you can DE-tox your life in the home, personal care products, and foods.


Movement & Breath

Our bodies were made to breathe and move!  We will explore the power of breath, proper breathing techniques to bring oxygen to the body as well as the safe, effective movement for your unique body.


Putting it All Together

Congratulations! Last, but not least, we will come together to celebrate all that you have learned about creating a vibrant life, about your beautiful body, and the progress you've achieved.


Super Sleuthing Your Body

Bloodwork is a valuable tool that can give numerous insights into your body. In this module, I'm going to share how to use standard bloodwork to better understand your body and it's needs.

Enrolling Now!

Join the Vibrant Rise Functional Wellness Collective. These exclusive offers below are your ticket to a vibrant, healthier you.  Don't miss out on your chance to thrive – register now and let the journey to your best self begin!

A complimentary HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis) test

This valuable test is included in the program along with a professional analysis of your results with custom recommendations for a more personalized health journey. The HTMA is a functional tool that analyzes a small hair sample to assess mineral content and nutrient ratios within the body. It provides valuable insights into potential imbalances, deficiencies, and excesses of minerals and heavy metals, digestive function, nutrient absorption, metabolic rate, and stress and energy management. VALUE $400

private 1:1 30-minute consultation and coaching session with Jen

Your call can be scheduled at any point on your journey throughout the 4-months of the program. VALUE $250

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Level 1

What's Included?

  • Private Health & Wellness Review
  • Personalized Food, Lifestyle & Supplement Plan based on your health assessment and test results, you'll receive a personalized plan, with access to our professional-grade supplement dispensary (includes VIP discount)

  • 9 Modules Covering Functional Foundations
  • 8 LIVE Teaching & Coaching Calls
  • 2 Guest Expert BONUS Classes
  • Homework, Worksheets, Challenges & Reference Handout
  • Access to a Group Forum for Support & Accountability
  • Small Cohort
  • Personalized Coaching in a Group Setting
  • HTMA Test
  • 1 private 1:1 30 minute consultation with Jen



Sign me up!



I'm in!

Level 2

What's Included?

  • Everything in Level 1, PLUS:
  • Customized lab panel recommendations
  • Full functional analysis and guidance utilizing labs as part of the overall picture
  • 4 private, 30 minute 1:1 coaching sessions scheduled monthly
  • OPTIONAL ADD-ON: ​​GI-MAP Stool Test to assess your gut bacteria levels, inflammation, h. pylori, parasites, digestive enzymes, how you detox estrogen, and more (add-on price: $380 USD).



Let's do this!



Count me in!

You are welcome to use your FSA or HSA credit card for this program, provided it's approved by your FSA/HSA company.

Email Jen!


Reduce Inflammation

Step Into a Success Mindset

Increased Energy

Support a Healthy Digestion

Support Healthy Hormones

Improve Sleep

Calm the Nervous System

Fuel Your Soul & Embrace God's Love

Move Your Body with Purpose

Decrease Physical, Mental & Emotional Toxins

Increase Joy

Experience More of Life as you Feel More Energetic, Present & Calm


October 21, 2024

Just in time to end 2024 VIBRANTLY!

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Apply for the Intensive

Commonly Asked FAQ's

Limited Spots Available

Join this exclusive group program tailored to midlife women who are seeking optimal health and fulfillment. With limited spots available in this cohort, secure your place now to embark on a transformative journey towards vibrancy.

Enrolling Now!

Connect with us on Instagram or contact us at [email protected] for any inquiries.